Callis House Inn

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Launched: August 27, 2018

The L.M Callis house was built in 1905 by a well-known local contractor, Eddie Callis. The house served as Eddie's family home most its life and even housed some boarders such as Mathews teachers and other hard-working individuals. In addition to his contracting company, Eddie and his family owned and operated a local general store that sold everything from feed, shoes, and food. This store front is now the Bay School Community Arts Center.

Years after the Bay School was established, the land behind the old store was listed for sale with the Callis family home. Wanting to expand but not having a use for the old rundown home, the school sought to tear it down. Preservation Mathews, Inc., an organization dedicated to saving historic homes in Mathews County, heard of the situation and began to act. The Bay School required the home to be moved off the property if Preservation Mathews indeed wanted to save it.

After Preservation Mathews was able to obtain a loan, the move became possible. With the help of Ian Morse, current owner of The Callis House Inn, the historic home was lifted and relocated to its present location at 345 Main Street in late 2016. Since then, the house has been transformed to serve as a hotel for those fortunate to discover, or perhaps rediscover, Mathews County.

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Callis House Inn

Callis House Inn

Callis House Inn
Open House Feb 21-22 11am-3pm Schedule Now! Talk to a REAL person!