Center for Excellence for Aging & Geriatric Health

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Launched: September 17, 2002

The Center for Excellence for Aging & Geriatric Health works with researchers and service providers to identify and promote opportunities to improve the health and independence of older adults. Coordination among researchers at the Center’s partner institutions identifies opportunities for creative, collaborative work and opens new funding opportunities. Oher institutions have undertaken significant research for the aging and many communities have worked to improve service delivery. The fact remains that there is a divide between research and its application. The Center proposes to find opportunities for researchers in different fields and institutions to work together for a better product and find opportunities to apply that research for the benefit of the older population.

Center for Excellence for Aging & Geriatric Health

Center for Excellence for Aging & Geriatric Health

Center for Excellence for Aging & Geriatric Health
Open House Feb 21-22 11am-3pm Schedule Now! Talk to a REAL person!